Before I launch into this week's suburb I just want to say thanks again for all the loveliness and
support sent my way last week. It recharged my flat battery and within 24 hours I was back out
with my camera, scaring young children and small dogs as per usual.
support sent my way last week. It recharged my flat battery and within 24 hours I was back out
with my camera, scaring young children and small dogs as per usual.
But I did make it a little easier this week by choosing a suburb close to home - Randwick.
I've driven through and to Randwick countless times before but never once explored it. In just a
few days of nosing around the place I discovered more about it than I have over the last three
years. Astounding.
few days of nosing around the place I discovered more about it than I have over the last three
years. Astounding.
Having said that, I would have seen even more had one event not distracted me for almost half the
time I spent in the suburb - the world's first gay and lesbian race day. I had no idea it was on - I
just thought I'd check out Randwick Racecourse. When I looked up the details, there it was - the
inaugural Pink Stiletto Day.
time I spent in the suburb - the world's first gay and lesbian race day. I had no idea it was on - I
just thought I'd check out Randwick Racecourse. When I looked up the details, there it was - the
inaugural Pink Stiletto Day.
The history of Randwick - in super fast time - Cadigal out, English in, lots of fine buildings built,
overflowing with hospitals, pubs and dance schools, and for one day in its recent history, host to
the world's first and very pink gay race day.
overflowing with hospitals, pubs and dance schools, and for one day in its recent history, host to
the world's first and very pink gay race day.
Colourful indeed...
Part 1: Pink
Where wild exuberance meets Randwick's more sedate suburban side.

Pink Stiletto Day at Royal Randwick

pink and yellow

the supporting structure

what lies behind?

wings of freedom

a drag race

all bow before the Queen(s)

business as usual

GW, star of the racing world

a bit dotty

dancing queen

ballet pink

hands on hips

rose and hankie :: 1

showing his feminine side

pink and green should always be seen

rose and hankie :: 2

long lines

she's/he's got legs

rose and hankie :: 3

stiff competition

everyone's welcome in Randwick
Part 2: Black and white

an old queen

the classic look

ghosts from another time

Part 3: Red
Starring two beauties from a corner of Randwick called The Spot - the Randwick Ritz Cinema
and the Dragon Village chinese restaurant (the latter now closed but no less wonderful from
the outside).
and the Dragon Village chinese restaurant (the latter now closed but no less wonderful from
the outside).

still Ritzy after all these years

old school

different types

C is for, they don't make Ceilings like they used to

starring the Mad Hatter

love letters

the Dragon Village, minus the fire

it's important for your accessories to match your suburb

F is for Funny

even if the steps are steep
Part 4: Pastels

like the colour palette

little feet

wallpaper and tiles

all that glitters is not gold

flower dress

flowers, plaster and picked
Part 5: Blues and one purple

a mixed bag of styles

old timers

simple vs complex

obscuring the view

the stars have all left but the moon has arrived
Part 6: The painted man

the dragon, tiger, elephant, fish man

i got me a fish

wallpaper for the body

rah, you know you want me
Beauty? Randwick has a handful of amazing old buildings worthy of closer inspection than a fleeting
glance while driving past. I had to restrain myself from running off with all the old cinema letters.
And while I was hoping to spend my time at Randwick Racecourse photographing what is surely the
world's most beautiful animal - the horse - I enjoyed snapping away at all the well-groomed show
ponies instead.
See you next Monday.
I love it! Even though I don't really live or work in Randwick right now, I do pass through it every day, and live/work on either side of it. It's where all of the most important things in my life have happened to me I think! And love my Ritz too, worked there for 6 thankless years and can't even scam a free choctop out of them these days, lol!
ReplyDeleteWould have been nice to see some of the old nuns wandering around, but perhaps they were a little frightened off by Pink Stilletto Day!
ReplyDeleteWow Louise - you sure are back! Thanks for such a lovely comment on my blog, too - you've really inspired me this week.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful work as always.
ReplyDeleterandwick rocks through your eyes
Wow! She's back even bigger and brighter than ever!
ReplyDelete'never never never give up'
Hurray! :-) Pennie
Louise, your batteries sure are recharged! The best set yet!
ReplyDeleteVery very cool, as usual! And I LOVE your intro pics with the Randwick letters, super cute. Well, I'm glad you feel better ; - )
ReplyDeleteTake care, girl!
Better than ever. I think you've picked up that camera with renewed vigour. Well done. Looks fabulous. Bring on the book.
ReplyDeleteDear all
ReplyDeleteThank you! As I just Tweeted, it helped that there just happened to be an eye-poppingly colourful world's first event taking place in the suburb - serendipity at work (again - it's happened quite a few times on this project when I've stumbled upon a highly entertaining and photogenic event in my suburb of the week - very lucky).
ZOMG Louise!!!! The lady in Red in "Stiff Competition" is famous round Surry Hills...have heard rumours that she was allegedly a well known Madam.
ReplyDeleteThe Gentleman in "An Old Queen" was he wearing a white jumper that had something printed on it along the lines, of "I slept with Jacki O"?? Another famous face!
Reemski - The Lady in Red was extraordinary. She revealed 'more' at one stage but in order to post the shots I'd have to issue a 'semi-nude scenes' warning! The lovely 'Old Queen' was wearing a top that said, "I did it with Kylie" on the front and on the back, "But can't remember which one".
Wow Louise! After your post last week, and feeling for you trying to keep up with such a mamoth project, I am loving this set of images more than ever. The colour! The lines and composition! Simply lovely, and a welcome pick up on my Monday afternoon. You are truly an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI've been meaning to write up a post on the 52 suburbs project on my own blog for quite some time now, and just wanted to check whether that would be ok with you?
Many thanks
You capture humanity with such love> Beauty in everything , profound!
ReplyDeleteLovely original blog!!!
ReplyDeleteJust a question- what camera do you use???
Thanks! :)
Amelia - Glad you like it! And sure, you're welcome to post about the project on your own blog.
ReplyDeleteFree Art Exchange - Thank you.
Kate - I recently upgraded from a Canon D40 to a 5D Mk II. Lovely camera.
Ranwick looks fantastic through your "lens" and the juxapositions are strikingly beautiful, they cause me to think , ponder and drink in the beauty. PS When are you coming to Annandale?
ReplyDeleteFinally finished: http://aramblingmeels.blogspot.com/2010/03/in-two-parts-sydney-style.html
ReplyDeleteCan I just say how hard it was to get down to a shortlist of images to post! There are so many gems. Hope I've managed to do you justice.
Sevapuri - Thank you. If I make it to Annnandale I'll let you know!
ReplyDeleteAmelia - Just checked out my images on your blog - nice choice. Thanks for spreading the word.
"It's important for your accessories to match your suburb". Indeed! Fantastic post again, Louise.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting re. Mardi Gras and Sydney. The event is presented as such an inner city thing and I've always wondered whether out in the 'burbs they have tie-in events too, in the samw way that the Sydney Festival tries to incorporate areas like Parramatta hmmmm...
Great photos again! Love the color- pink! This was a really fun post, shades of Priscilla Queen of the Desert for me. A fave movie, don't ask how often I've seen it.
ReplyDeleteAbsolute love, love, love, love, love!!! favourite post yet!
ReplyDeleteAh back with avengeance Louise!!!! Love randwick!
ReplyDeleteI live in the arse end of the universe now. I can't decide whether I'm delighted and energised when I go back to Randwick/Cloey, or devastated because I can't stay. And I can't decide which of those your pictures made me feel. But I loved them.
ReplyDeleteAnomie - Sorry to hear you're not loving your present place of residence - but maybe there's beauty there too? Put on your '52 Suburbs' hat and go searching...
at 5.30 am as i was going through the glee books gleaner i happened upon your book, 52 suburbs. Having discovered it was once a blog - I hurriedly cranked up the laptop to see what i was hoping would be a unique and thought provoking offering. Instead, I am sorry to say I was spectacularly diasppointed. There is so much of Randwick that was ommitted and all i saw was an attempt to be wanky. Sadly, i don't think you even achieved that. shots without meaning and depth, and mindless blogging. if this is what your book is like, I will steer clear of it. What I am most saddened by is, that you clearly have talent but it is not reflected in these works. You might dismiss this a bile but i just wanted to relay to you what i witnessed was someone not being true to themselves and photographing inanely. Perhaps you are part of the y generation and this is the way things will be. I hope you're not - that would be the worst insult one could foist upon another, nay actually a try hard gen y is probably worse. i am sorry about this but i don't think your friends who have posted here are doing you any favours. I wish you all the best.